Work Package IV

Socio-economic consequences of biodiversity change and evaluating adaptation options
Lead: Aalborg University
The aim of this work package is to

  • Establish effects of changing biodiversity and distributions of key commercially important species on the coastal and off-shore business and infrastructure, local communities, indigenous life-style, national government and international relations
  • Assess the ability of management structures and regulatory frameworks to adapt to ecosystem changes and provide recommendations for developing adaptation strategies in relation to the changes in the Arctic ecosystems on both the inshore- and the offshore context
  • Investigate how the fishing fleet adapts to changing conditions and utilise this knowledge to formulate models on how the activity depends on such factors
News highlights
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May, 24
Workshop: How are fisheries adapting to ecosystem changes and how can the Greenlandic Fisheries Administration manage these?
ECOTIP held its final Greenlandic fisheries workshop in Nuuk on May 23rd, 2024. Here is a summary Read More
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May, 24
Results and Research gaps of Arctic biodiversity
The joint results and research gaps identified by ECOTIP, FACE-IT and CHARTER EU projects Read More
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Apr, 24
10 years worth of knowledge on climate change adaptation in Greenlandic fisheries in 15 pages
Ten years of climate change adaptation in Greenlandic fisheries: key observations from local ecological knowledge Read More
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Apr, 24
A report on the first Greenland Marine Research Seminar
A report of the first "Greenland Marine Research Seminar & Workshop on status and development of East Greenland waters" Read More
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Nov, 23
Local perspectives on biodiversity change and adaptation capacity in Greenlandic fisheries
Read about ECOTIP's research on Local Ecological Knowledge of coastal and offshore fisheries stakeholders in Greenland, as well as recommendations for decision-makers. Read More
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Nov, 23
Recommendations for enhanced and optimized biodiversity monitoring in the Arctic region
Read ECOTIP's latest recommendations for biodiversity monitoring in the Arctic for policy and decision-makers. Read More
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Nov, 23
ECOTIP at Greenland Science Week
ECOTIP is participating in Greenland Science Week with a science session at the conference, two stakeholder workshops, policy recommendations and a photo exhibit. Read More
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Sep, 23
Invitation to Greenland Marine Research Seminar
Join us for an exclusive invitation to the Greenland Marine Research Seminar on November 7th 2023, at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources in Nuuk. Read More
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Mar, 23
Policy recommendations for Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security
ECOTIP, FACE-IT and CHARTER have jointly produced policy recommendations on Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security for policy- and decision-makers. Read More
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Feb, 22
Ecotip – Celebrating women researchers in Arctic science
ECOTIP's women scientists have been sharing what work and life on the cutting edge of Arctic research is like, in celebration of the International Day for Women and Girls in Scien… Read More
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Jan, 22
ECOTIP woman in science profile: Rikke Becker Jacobsen
In the period leading up to the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we would like to recognize ECOTIP's female scientists as agents of change and accelerating prog… Read More
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Dec, 21
Using local knowledge to make adaptation strategies for the Greenlandic fishery
Rikke Becker Jacobsen has recently been conducting fieldwork in Greenland through interviews with local fishermen. We spoke with her about the preliminary results. Read More
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Nov, 21
ECOTIP mapped user knowledge of change and adaptation in Greenlandic research at Greenland Science Week
ECOTIP will provide valuable data on user knowledge of change and adaptation in Greenlandic research during the period 2010-2021 gathered at Greenland Science Week in Nuuk, Novemb… Read More