Workshop: How Are Fisheries Adapting To Ecosystem Changes And How Can The Greenlandic Fisheries Administration Manage These?

by Sabrina Heerema | Published: 24-May-24 | Last updated: 24-May-24 | Tags : | category:

On May 23rd, 2024 ECOTIP held its final workshop for Greenlandic fisheries at the Greenland Institute for Natural Resources in Nuuk. 

The workshop covered 

  • the results from EcoTip's research on the socio-economic consequences of biodiversity changes
  • EcoTip's evaluation of adaptation options for the fisheries sector and the fisheries administration

And this was followed by discussions on how Greenlandic fisheries can adapt to and manage the ecocystem changes that are occurring. Leading the workshop was Aalborg Univiersity's Professor Jesper Raakjær, joined by Tromsø University's Professor Arne Eide.

Photos: Jesper Raakjær

There was  a good discussion and interest in further information about the project. This workshop was one of several workshops held over the past four years with the aim to

  • Establish effects of changing biodiversity and distributions of key commercially important species on the coastal and off-shore business and infrastructure, local communities, indigenous life-style, national government and international relations
  • Assess the ability of management structures and regulatory frameworks to adapt to ecosystem changes and provide recommendations for developing adaptation strategies in relation to the changes in the Arctic ecosystems on both the inshore- and the offshore context
  • Investigate how the fishing fleet adapts to changing conditions and utilise this knowledge to formulate models on how the activity depends on such factors