Work Package V

Data management, communication, dissemination and exploitation
Leads: GRID-Arendal, IOPAN
The aim of this work package is to

  • Ensure efficient and meaningful communication and engagement with Arctic Indigenous communities and other relevant target groups
  • Ensure optimal dissemination and exploitation of synthesized project outcomes to address knowledge gaps and inform international scientific assessments
  • Provide added-value to decision and policy makers by disseminating possible adaptation strategies for scenarios of change
  • Provide recommendations for optimal Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem services monitoring efforts
News highlights
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May, 24
The 2024 EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue
ECOTIP attended the 2024 EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples' Dialogue Read More
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Nov, 23
Local perspectives on biodiversity change and adaptation capacity in Greenlandic fisheries
Read about ECOTIP's research on Local Ecological Knowledge of coastal and offshore fisheries stakeholders in Greenland, as well as recommendations for decision-makers. Read More
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Nov, 23
ECOTIP at Greenland Science Week
ECOTIP is participating in Greenland Science Week with a science session at the conference, two stakeholder workshops, policy recommendations and a photo exhibit. Read More
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Mar, 23
Policy recommendations for Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security
ECOTIP, FACE-IT and CHARTER have jointly produced policy recommendations on Arctic biodiversity, climate and food security for policy- and decision-makers. Read More
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Jan, 23
Joint mid-term policy event for ECOTIP, FACE-IT and CHARTER projects
On March 15th, 2023 the H2020 projects ECOTIP, FACE-IT and CHARTER jointly hosted a policy briefing at the EU Commission's department for Research and Innovation. Read More
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Oct, 22
ECOTIP at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2022
ECOTIP experts hosted a session on melting ice and changing fisheries in the Arctic at the 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland. Here are their afterthoughts. Read More
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Sep, 22
Plugging critical gaps in the understanding of Arctic marine biodiversity and climate feedbacks
Highlights from the ECOTIP/FACE-IT/EU Polar Cluster webinar held on Wednesday 21 September 2022. Read More
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Jun, 22
The ECOTIP Summer School – ecological tipping points in the Arctic and how to communicate them
Twelve early-career researchers participated in the ECOTIP summer school, held at Husö Biological Station on the Åland Islands, Finland from June 6th – 17th 2022. During an inten… Read More
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Apr, 22
ECOTIP Summer School updates
Want to stay updated on the latest information about our summer school? Follow this page. Read More
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Mar, 22
How ECOTIP research supports the IPCC's latest report
ECOTIP is responding to many of the challenges and gaps identified by the latest IPCC report. Read More
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Feb, 22
ECOTIP progress after 18 months
ECOTIP is 1.5 years into the 4 year project period, managed to cope with the Covid restrictions and has even been able to go through with all fieldwork including a research cruise… Read More
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Feb, 22
Ecotip – Celebrating women researchers in Arctic science
ECOTIP's women scientists have been sharing what work and life on the cutting edge of Arctic research is like, in celebration of the International Day for Women and Girls in Scien… Read More
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Apr, 21
From Arctic fjords to the open ocean
ECOTIP links up with a new project focussing on Arctic fjords, FACE-IT. Read More