Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences] IO PAN

Sopot, Poland

Name of the lead person

Artur Palacz

Work package involvement

WP-1, WP-2, WP-3,WP-4, WP-5, WP-6

Our Role in the Project

As a co-lead of WP5 and lead responsible for data management in ECOTIP, IOPAN plays a significant role in maximizing the impact of the project results. IOPAN contributes to or leads a number of tasks from each WP, spanning a broad range of themes related to changes in Arctic biodiversity and their effects on natural and human systems. We are conducting research work related to benthic pelagic-coupling, invasive species, and plankton variability from space; as well as leading scientific coordination and management work providing recommendations for sustained observation requirements and optimized monitoring schemes. IOPAN also supports project coordination through its membership in the ECOTIP Steering Group.